DOT TRANSFORM 2024: Cyber Innovations and Solutions for the Future
In recognition of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) invite you to save the date and plan to attend the 9th Annual DOT Cybersecurity Symposium.
The Cybersecurity Symposium kicks off at DOT Headquarters on Tuesday, October 22nd, then moves to FAA Headquarters for the second day, Wednesday, October 23rd, and then returns to DOT Headquarters for the final day on Thursday, October 24th. All sessions will also be streamed live and recorded for later viewing.
Track 1: Cyber Essentials
Track 2: Cyber Leadership
Track 3: Sector Cyber
This year’s Symposium will feature a blend of speaker sessions, dynamic panel discussions, and interactive workshops on critical topics such as insider threats, artificial intelligence, and zero trust.
Confirmed Speakers

Polly Trottenberg
Deputy Secretary,
U.S. Department of Transportation
Cordell Schachter
Chief Information Officer,
U.S. Department of Transportation

Clare Martorana
Federal Chief Information Officer,
Office of Management and Budget
Earn Credit for Attending
Earn Role-based Training Credit
DOT Federal and Contract employees in positions with an OPM Cybersecurity Workforce code other than 000 are required to complete annual specialized, role-based training (RBT). DOT recognizes RBT in the form of conferences, seminars, workshops, including the speaker sessions hosted during the DOT Cybersecurity Symposium!
Attend at least one Symposium session and earn your annual RBT credit! You must use the reporting form in DOT Learns to acknowledge completion of mandatory, annual RBT.
After completing your training, simply log into DOT Learns, access the Role-Based Training Survey, answer three short questions, and select submit.
Earn CPEs, CLPs, and CEUs
Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) and other DOT personnel seeking Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits, Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) can earn up to 25 hours of training by attending the Symposium Speaker Series sessions.
Users are responsible for ensuring that their selected trainings from the Symposium Speaker Series adhere to the official guidelines of their accrediting agency. Attendees are also responsible for self-reporting their CPE, CLPs, and CPEs accordingly.